Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Candidates Hope to Help Darfur

I get frequent e-mail updates from the Save Darfur Coalition, and I received this one today:

Not since World War II have all major presidential candidates come together on an international issue.
Until now. Today, Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama released a joint statement condemning the violence against the people of Darfur and promising to address the issue with "unstinting resolve."
The three candidates have honest differences about many issues. But this joint statement shows us they are willing to put aside those differences to stand in solidarity against genocide. They are united in the belief that "atrocities against civilians in Darfur" are "unacceptable to the American people and to the world community."
The Senators go on to say that:
...on this moral issue of tremendous importance, there is no divide between us. We stand united and demand that the genocide and violence in Darfur be brought to an end and that the CPA [Comprehensive Peace Agreement] be fully implemented. ...
If peace and security for the people of Sudan are not in place when one of us is inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, we pledge that the next Administration will pursue these goals with unstinting resolve.

This is such a great thing, to be able to see both Democrat and Republican candidates taking a stand for Darfur. Hopefully, whoever wins the title of President can stick to their word and help bring peace to Darfur.

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